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Nugget o' televised fun: Griffin on Coulter on 'Today'

by Jeremy Hooper

In honor of tonight's second season premiere of Kathy Griffin's "My Life on the D List," we would like to present you with one of the most delicious bits of deliciousness we've seen in weeks. Enjoy:

Picture 1-146
(Click to Watch)

And for those who didn't see the "Today" show Coulter clip to which Griffin is referring, we'll give you a summary: Liberals hate God, and the 9/11 widows are "millionaires lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by 'grieferazis.' I've never seen people enjoying their husband's death so much." Go watch the video, via RawStory:

(Click to Watch)

My Life on the D List [Bravo TV]

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