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Though if they were both anti-gay, it'd be an embarrassment of hate for Rich/Riches

by Jeremy Hooper

   Bemoaning the fact that both incumbent Gov. Rob Blagojevich and GOP challenger Judy Topinka oppose a constitutional gay marriage ban, support civil unions, and are just generally too gay-friendly, Illinois Family Institute executive director Peter LaBarbera (pic.) is quoted by the AP as saying of his home state's gubernatorial candidates: "We got nobody." Which is exactly why we hear LaBarbera will be giving his vote to write-in candidate, Somebody, Anybody Who Interprets Leviticus Literally and Homo-Critizingly.

A strong pro-family contender, he.

In addition to his homo-approving work with the IFI, LaBarbera has also set up a site at stoptopinka.com, wherein he points to all of Judy's support for the gay community and shows videos of her participating in Chicago Pride parades. Thoroughly upsetting the adversaries of Top Ink A...


...who were hoping for a place on the web to highlight the writing fluid's fondness for feeling penis filling pens.

No word on why LaBarbera didn't also set up stopblagojevich.com, as his fondness for the incumbent seems equally as lacking. We are, however, grateful for the site's absence, as we can't think of one obscure product to make out of the name "Blagojevich."

B lag OJ e...ah, screw it.

Illinois voters choose between Blagojevich and Topinka on November 7; either way, it's good to hear that gubernatorial "ill noise" against gays should be lacking for some time to come. Sorry, Petey.

Governor's race candidates both moderate on gay rights issue [AP via Daily Chronicle Online]

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