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Video: Baptist vs. 'Baptist'
From YouTube, a video from last night's Westboro Baptist protest at the Southern Baptist Convention:
Be sure to watch all the way through, so as not to miss Shirl's comparison of the red in the American flag to rectal blood. As this "fag" has never seen rectal blood, I'll just take her word for it. To your humble scribe, however, the red part always looked more like the blood from the fetal pig that us gays sacrificially slaughter at the beginning of every homosexual agenda meeting. But I guess we just see the world differently, Shirley and myself.
PREVIOUS: Westboro to picket SBC's raging 'gay-friendliness' [G-A-Y]
Girl on girl: Fox News anchor tangos with Shirley Phelps-Roper [G-A-Y]
**UPDATE: Parts 2 & 3
**RELATED: Video: You're Going To Helena [G-A-Y]
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