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AFA apparently also boycotting definition of 'poll'
Continuing to take credit for and revel in the Ford Motor Company's recent financial woes (which they say is due, in part, to their boycott of the company on the basis of its gay-friendliness), the American Family Association is running this banner on the top of their site:
And then when you click on the graphic, you're taken to an agreement that Ford made with the AFA back in November, in which they basically agreed to stop advertising in gay publications and supporting gay rights. As you might remember, this caused MUCH hoopla, leading Ford to later re-committ to the principle of equality, thus thoroughly pissing off the AFA. But the AFA hasn;t given up on their original agreement, asking readers in their poll question:
So what might you expect to be greeted with once you click the graphic to weigh in on the above poll question? You'd probably expect to find various choices of how you might respond to the question, right? Like maybe there'd be a "Yes, I would" and a "NO -- In fact if they capitulated to religious extremists I would never step foot in a Ford dealership again" option, or even an ability to write in your own opinions. After all, it is a poll, which, by definition, should allow for expression of multiple viewpoints.
So what options do you get when you try and take the AFA's "poll?" Well...
...you get the ability to sign your name to only one available option, reading: "Yes, I would consider a Ford product when purchasing a new automobile if they would agree to the commitment they made to AFA." And even if you think there might be other options on the next screen so you enter something like...
...you're counted as if you answered in the affirmative:
So now what they'll do is count every response like the one we just registered as if it is on their side. Even though there are likely to be numerous people who were so enraged by the poll that they thought they'd be wise and register a vote for their team, and who were subsequently tricked into supporting an AFA initiative. Because allowing their followers to see some opposing views would be far too honest for a group so firmly built on misconception and deceit.
Be sure to look for upcoming election-centric polls, when we hear AFA will allow readers of their site to tell how they're voting for either conservative Christian candidates or.
Ford Suffers $123 Million Loss In Second Quarter - Take Our Poll [AFA 'Poll']
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