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AFA applauds Washington ruling; we feel even better for finding it highly flawed
In response to today's unfavorable gay marriage ruling in Washington, the American Family Association's Brian Fahling says:
“The court is to be applauded for exercising restraint and leaving determinations about life’s most fundamental institution in the hands of the people”
...with the Chief Counsel of the American Family Association Center for Law & Policy (CLP) adding:
“It’s a great day for marriage, for the family, and for America. Nevertheless, we must remain mindful that this battle is far from over, and we must be ready to defend marriage anywhere, anytime, and at all costs.”
So take comfort in your decision, concurring Washington Justices; you have delighted an organization who accused Walgreens of sponsoring the Gay Games in order to increase their sales of HIV drugs, are boycotting Ford because they think their advertising to be too gay-accepting, attacked Wal-Mart for simply carrying 'Brokeback Mountain,' and who would now be vehemently attacking you all as "activist judges" had you gone the other way. After all, aren't the court decision that history remembers favorably the ones that appeased those who encouraged inequality for a sect of the population?
Washington Supreme Court Strikes Severe Blow Against Gay Marriage [AFA]
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