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Anti-gay activist taking up Butt

by Jeremy Hooper

   Adam McManus (pic.), a queer-unfriendly radio host in Texas, is lashing out against local grocery store chain H-E-B and its CEO Charles Butt for their recent support of the San Antonio Pridefest. Agape Press says:

"[Mr. McManus] feels that H-E-B was founded on solid Christian values in 1905, but contends that Charles Butt, who has been the chain's CEO since 1971, has clearly taken the company in a different direction."

Hmm...A Butt taking it in a different direction. ::sigh:: Why can't they ever make the jokes easy on us?

McManus is encouraging folks to utilize his 11 Step Plan in protest of H-E-B and Butt's gay-friendliness. Our only hope: That as Mr. McManus readies and encourages his staff to stick it to Butt, that he'll have the good sense to wrap it up before fully entering the boy...cott.

Christian Radio Host Holding Texas Grocery Chain Accountable [Agape Press]

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