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Gay marriage, God-ousting; tomato, tomahto

by Jeremy Hooper

   Washington pastor Ken Hutcherson has us all figured out, fellow 'mos. He's managed to learn the dark secret of our "agenda", and he's revealing all he knows to the American public. Despite how we've tried to hide our marriage cravings behind those hippy-dippy concepts of love, equality, fairness, legality, peace, and non-discrimination, Hutcherson has somehow gotten behind our veil of niceness and discovered the core of our marriage fight. He tells Agape Press:

"It's about eliminating God and His influence and the morals in our society," he states. "It is about destroying what God says is best." ... "If [homosexual activists] get equal rights, if they get same-sex marriage passed in the United States, the next step is to attack the church for hate speech."

He's got our number, that Hutcherson. But hey, at least he didn't find out how our pushes for non-discrimination laws are really just our way of giving Jesus the finger, our attempts to protect gay kids from bullying are our ways of appeasing Satan, and our hate crimes legislation proposals are simply meant to piss off Baptists.

We simply must hide our cards a little better, kiddies, or Mr. Hutcherson's gonna ruin our whole strategy of deity elimination. Perhaps we should consult their side's PR people to learn how they've been so successful in selling bald-faced attempts at painting us as immoral to the public at large.

Bauer: State Marriage Victories No Guarantee the Battle Is Won [Agape Press]

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