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Poll: We never want to be in a police lineup when a 'WorldNet' reader is on the other side

by Jeremy Hooper

So in addition to their giving ink to rabbis who think gays are responsible for the crisis in Israel, the folks at WorldNetDaily have also posted a poll on the topic. The results, as of 12PM:

Picture 1-156

So if you add up all five of the forms of "Yes" that provides, then a whopping 79.92% of respondents are giving credence to the idea that a gay parade could be responsible for the crisis in Israel!!!!! This compared to the 16.17% who answered using one of the 23 forms of "No!"

Oh. My. God. Who. It's. Being. Implied. Hates. Me. For. Living. As. I. Am.

Any correlation between Jerusalem Gay Pride event and Mideast violence? [WND Poll]

Earlier: Punching bags apparently out of stock, rabbis blame gays for crisis in Israel [G-A-Y]

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