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Rabbi Levin calls gay activists 'moral terrorists'; we wonder if they're simply defending against 'moral hijackers'

by Jeremy Hooper

Even though the WorldPride parade has been cancelled due to the situation in the Middle East, Rabbi Yehuda Levin is still condemning the fact that the event's "...other 165 hours of semi-nudity, of pornographic films, of outreach to youth as young as 15 and the Knesset, has not been cancelled." And of the homosexual activists who are still seeking gay equality via these events that he's highly misrepresenting,Levin says to Agape Press...

These people are literally moral terrorists."

 Commentary & News Briefs (last item) [Agape Press]

Yup, "moral terrorists."  That's what the good rabbi is calling gays today.

Not to be confused with "moral of the story terrorists," who are those that say the "Ugly Duckling" tells us "beauty is in fact soul deep;" that the "Tortoise and the Hare" encourages one to rest on their laurels; and that all of Aesop's fables are meant to only be taken at face value. No, my friends, Mr. Levin's instead implying that gays are basically flying a big, explosive aircraft of immorality into society's ethical building. And that, kiddies, is very concerning to say the least, and very "GOOD HOLY MOTHER OF WHAT THE CRAZY!?!" to say a little more.

It's unclear how Levin will next verbally offend gays.  Let's just hope he doesn't realize the phonetic similarities between a certain former dictator and the question, "Sodomy -- Who's Sane?"


**UPDATE, 10/10/10: As you can see, the old Agape Press link is now dead.  However, you can find a reprint of that article on this forum.

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