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Hey 'pro-fams': $$$ ≠ Equality
Responding to a Human Rights Campaign estimate claiming gays have 641 billion dollars in buying power, Phil Burress of the so-called Citizens for Community Values skeptically says to Family News in Focus:
“I totally would discount that number. You can’t say on one hand, ‘we’re being discriminated against.’ And then on the other hand say you’re this powerful force.”
To which we respond:
"Yea, except here's the thing -- we're not claiming that our ability to make money and pay an ass-load of taxes on said money is really being threatened. Although gay-related job discrimination certainly still exists, the vast majority of corporate America recognizes the talent pool that exists in the gay community and is more than ready to capitalize on this vibrant community's abilities. What we are arguing is that despite our considerable contributions to this country's economy and workforce, we're still receiving an unequal piece of the American pie, with our fair share being gobbled up by the mouth of bias. So while you are free to discount the exact figure of wealth that we homosexuals have to spend on goods and services, it's pointless to relate our access to monetary capital to our access to marriage, benefits, and full equality. I can buy a tux and rent the biggest reception hall in NYC -- still not gonna help me legally say 'I do.'"
Later, Mr. Burress taunts in the most "nanny, nanny, boo, boo" of fashions:
“The buying power of the pro-family movement dwarfs that of the homosexual lobby.”
To which we only have to respond:
"Good, because the karma bill you guys will have to pay for your non-stop, mean-spirited pushes for inequality will likely be considerable."
Homosexual Lobby Targets Corporate America [Family News in Focus]
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