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New 'ex-gay' book hitting shelves; nearby science books shake pages in disbelief

by Jeremy Hooper

9780736916912 600Px-1In his new book, God's Grace and the Homosexual Next Door, professional "ex-gay" Alan Chambers will, according to the book's back, suggest that there are "three degrees of homosexuality: militant, moderate or repentant." Or as we on the side of acceptance tend to call the three types of gays:

- Those who realize how strident, well-financed, well-organized, tireless, and dead set on drastically altering our lives the "pro-family" folks are, and thus feel compelled to defend ourselves against their militance.

- Those who've accepted their gay truth and are fine with it, but don't realize the seriousness of the threat, or simply don't have the desire, strength, time, or ability to fight a "culture war" battle.

-Those who have been persuaded by "ex-gay" propaganda into believing they are flawed and not living as God intended, and are now living as a "former homosexual."

However, judging from the 13 pages of Mr. Chambers book that we've read, there would seem to be only one major type of "ex-gay": Conservative Christian who believes and/or espouses unscientific opinions that are convenient to his or her widely-disbelieved cause.

Exodus Has A New Book Out [Ex Gay Watch]

**Oh, and before you professional "ex-gays" say this is another example of us militant homosexuals showing intolerance for "former homosexuals," we'd like to remind you that you guys spend every day of your existence basically telling folks that gays' lives, loves, and cores of beings are wrong and immoral. Implying that your efforts are faulty and gays can't change (a position widely supported by ever major medical and mental health org. in the nation) is only degrading if you find gays offensive in the first place. We do not. If we imply that you're really still a 'mo OR that you were perhaps bisexual and just realized you like the opposite sex more, we're merely using science, common sense, observation, and our own experiences in dealing with thousands of gays to refute the stealth attacks being launched from your falsely compassionate movement, which is clearly designed to demonize homosexuals. Stop muddying the waters by saying we're showing intolerance whenever we defend ourselves against your own. You guys are the ones throwing the grenades; we're simply trying to diffuse them.

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