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The (ex-)Westboro member we never see
A reader sent in this interesting bit of info:
So we, curious about this rumor, put it directly to the child's mother, frequent Westboro spokesperson Shirley Phelps-Roper. From Shirl comes this response:
We really have nothing to add, other than to say that we do find it a little hypocritical for Shirley and crew to publicly picket the "sins" they perceive in other mother's sons, yet fail to publicly admonish those in whom their interest should be most vested. Or maybe we just missed the press release condemning one of their own to Hell.
***UPDATE, 9/15: We received a series of emails from Shirley pertaining to our claims of hypocrisy. Here now are the highlights from that chat:
*Oh, and It should also be noted that Shirley had an out-of-wedlock birth (a diff. child than the one mentioned in this post).
*UPDATE: Since this initial post, Shirley's son has gone public. So it's now safe to identify him as Josh Phelps-Roper.
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