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They'd have a field day, but we'll instead take the high road
It's been revealed in a recently released police report (pdf) that Lou Beres, former leader of the Oregon Christian Coalition and longtime foe of gay rights, had admitted to sexually touching underage girls in years past.
Taking the opposite track from what our opposition would take if a similar thing were revealed about a gay activist, we will now not link this incident to the heterosexual community at large, not quote twisted studies seemingly showing high molestation rates in hetero populations, and not use this incident for any sort of political gain. Molesters of any stripe are on the fringe, and should not be used to stigmatize other members of various populations to which they may be linked. Instead, we will simply hope that Mr. Beres has and/or is currently seeking help for his apparent problem and that the victims of his advances sustained no long-held damage from the incidents.
Nothing funny to say here, kiddies, because molestation is simply never funny. Here's hoping those who so staunchly oppose our rights will follow our lead and try to not view any future same-sex molestation as a situation advantageous to their gay-demonizing cause.
Antigay Christian leader admits to molesting young girls [AP via Advocate]
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