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Wherein Shirl advises soldiers on ways to die
In her latest "epic" detailing a protest of the area surrounding Fort Campell, Kentucky, Westboro Baptist's Shirley Phelps-Roper says to the local soldiers:
"God controls your hearts, you dopes; He sent you those lying spirits. You would NOT obey, so now you might as well just go on over and lie down on that IED, or find the Iraqi with the RPG launcher and put a bull's eye on your back and stand in the field with a huge sign over your head: 'I am a rebel against my God, just shoot me and get it over with!'
Hmm...is it just us or is Westboro getting mean? Picketing funerals is one thing, but advising folks on ways to reach their own in a more timely fashion -- well, if you're not careful, Shirl, folks are gonna think you guys are a little cuckoo.
**This Westboro "epic," titled "Oak Grove, KY Fort Campbell Memorial Epic (08-09-2006)," can be found on their website. However, a link from us is something those kids will never receive.
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