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Wow, Peter, when we said 'you better recognize,' we weren't actually serious
Congrats, Pam's House Blend, Ex-Gay Watch, News Fit To Post, and Andrew Sullivan, for we've all...
...been chosen as the inaugural five sites cited as "Pro-Homosexuality Blogs" by Peter LaBarbera's newly re-launched group, Americans For Truth. And don't be discouraged that Petey contrasts us with other sites that he calls "Pro-Truth," kiddies. With such "truthy" sources as Agape Press and Mike Heath making that other list, it would seem that "truth" is just the latest word the "pro-family" movement hopes to throw "pro-" in front of in order to misconstrue meaning.
"Pro-life" = anti-a woman's right to choose
"Pro-family" = anti-gay rights/ feminism/ progressive policies
"Pro-marriage" = anti-gay marriage
"Pro-truth" = anti-all facts, theories, science, and rationale not convenient to their gay-unfriendly cause
But thanks for the nod, AFT and Mr. LaBarbera. We promise to be on our pro-homosexualitiest of behavior!
Resources: Pro-Truth vs. Pro-Homosexuality [AFT]
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