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'Americans for Truth' criticize 'Dutch for Acceptance'
Peter LaBarbera of the unaptly named anti-gay group Americans For Truth is speaking out against a young Dutch performer named Terence and his song about living with his two gay dads:
Of the above video clip, LaBarbera says:
Of course, ”gay” advocates think this video is wonderful and wish Americans were as “progressive” as the Dutch–illustrating the huge philosophical gap between pro-family advocates and their pro-homosexual foes. Remember, this is the “family” brand of homosexual activism … the “conservative,” domesticated side of their movement. And it necessarily requires indoctrinating the minds of impressionable children that having “two fathers” or “two mothers” is a good thing. In one of the song’s lines, Terence says of his “two fathers”: “Who, if they have to, both can be my mother.” Talk about redefining the family!
We correct Peters un"truths" and reply:
OF COURSE gay advocates think this video is wonderful and wish Americans were as “progressive” as the Dutch–illustrating the huge philosophical gap between "pro-family" advocates and their pro-equality opposition. Remember, this is the family brand of homosexual activism that the media sometimes overlooks in favor of more stereotypical portraits of gay life...the side the anti-gays find more difficult to demonize. And it necessarily asks that adults, children, and everyone in between realize two fathers or two mothers is an acceptable part of normalcy. In one of the song’s lines, Terence says of his two fathers: “Sometimes I get bullied in school/ Of course it's not nice/ Your parents, they are homo/ They find it strange” Talk about the type of sentiment we, if we would just all accept reality and curb homophobia, could eliminate overnight!
Peter goes on to say in his two fathers-decrying entry:
Today, the Netherlands. Tomorrow, the USA? God help us.
We say:
Today, the Netherlands. Tomorrow, the USA? God, please help us end this divisiveness!
Dutch Children’s Video Has Boy Singing about his “Two Fathers” [AFT]
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