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It's not nice to 'point,' Ms. Harvey

by Jeremy Hooper

Particularly unsettling anti-gay activist Linda Harvey has issued a "Seven-Point Plan to Protect Christian Youth Against Homosexuality." Sample text: "[E]mphasize that Christians do not have to apologize for what the Bible says about homosexuality...Those who are forcing homosexuality into our schools, laws and churches -- especially those who claim to be Christian-- are twisting the truth and will be held responsible for seriously damaging people’s lives and the body of Christ. The message prohibiting homosexuality is not only good, but necessary as part of God’s careful, protective provision for us."

Rotten rhetoric.

In response to Ms. Harvey's virulent attack on our "lifestyle," we have issued a three point reply...


...and we ask that she please read between the lines.

A Seven-Point Plan to Protect Christian Youth Against Homosexuality [LifeSite News]

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