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It's official: 'Pro-fams' are incapable of mentioning polygamy w/out also talking about same-sex marriage

by Jeremy Hooper

From Focus on the Family's CitizenLink, the heading of a story on Sen. Harry Reid's call for investigations into polygamist activities:

Picture 3-21

Though if you think the "pro-family" players' constant linking of polygamy to same-sex marriage is annoying for us adults, just imagine what their kids' homework must look like whenever the assignment is to "make polygon" and they have to ask their parents for assistance:


Democrat Leader Calls for Polygamy Crackdown [FOF CitizenLink]

Earlier: FOF puts gays in bed with polygamists; we're shocked there's room in polygamists' beds [G-A-Y]
Another day, another linking of gay marriage to polygamy [G-A-Y]
New CWA record: 3, 3, 3 attacks in one [G-A-Y]
Attn. magazine editors: Your coverage of a topic means you take the side of the debate that the religious right finds wrong [G-A-Y]

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