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KY: Westboro-curbing law itself gets curbed

by Jeremy Hooper

KylawA federal judge ruled today that a Kentucky law designed to keep Westboro Baptist Church from protesting at soldier's funerals is "too broad," prompting her to place a temporary suspension on the measure.

Upon hearing the news, we hear the "fag-hating" Westboro members impulsively replied: "Two broads!?!? Where? Are they lesbians? Where are they? Must protest. Neeeeeeeeed. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix."

::sigh:: They don't care for us.

The law as it had been written keeps Westboro 300 feet away from funeral services. They are scheduled to protest this weekend in the Bluegrass State, so we'll have to wait and see if it'll be the ether near the memorial service they'll pollute, or if they'll be stinking up the vicinity in a location far-removed.

Judge halts law aimed at stopping military funeral protests [Ap via Kansas.com]

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