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Taking demonization to a new level, Mass anti-gays actually classify gay activists as terrorists
On the most recent edition of MassResistance's weekly anti-gay radio show, co-host Amy Contrada said of Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney's opposition to offering police protection to Mohammed Qatami when the former Iranian president spoke at Harvard:
"Good for Romney for standing up to international Islamofascism, but why doesn't he stand up to the domestic terrorists at home, here in this state?"
She and partner Brian Camenker then clarify that by "domestic terrorists" they mean "the people who are attacking the family in Massachussetts" and "who harass parents in the public schools, pushing these kinds of depraved agendas." Contrada then proceeds to call these folks [i.e. gay activists] "cultural terrorists" that "are not exactly out there with guns shooting us, at least not yet."
Holy mother of uber-offensive crazy! What next, a color-coded chart to let us know just how great the gay threat? "College allows domestic partner benefits -- terror level magenta!"
Eee, on second thought -- we better not give them any ideas!
Be sure to tune in to Amy and Brian's show next week, where rumor has it they'll provide handy suggestions for what, exactly, listeners should place in their homosexual agenda disaster preparedness kits:
Canned talking points -- check; flashlight that only brings gay-unfriendly theories to light -- check; super strong duct tape to cover the holes in their "pro-family" logic -- ooh, must restock.
Listen to September 9/10 Show, and this dialogue begins around 3:45 [MassResistance]
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