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'Talk about it' until you're P!nk in the face

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 6-17Poppy, punky, pinky music star P!nk has teamed up with the Human Rights Campaign to help kick off their "Snapshot Photo Project,” part of this HRC's observance of National Coming Out Day 2006. To do her part, P!nk has posed with one of HRC's "Talk About It" signs (as you can see, at left), which will be featured as part of an online photo gallery.

Fun! And we hear P!nk's image will go right beside that of Burnt Sienna, just as soon as HRC can convince Ms. Miller to stay in the tanning bed for the required amount of time.

Colors. Celebs. Ridiculousness. Where were we? Oh yea...

The online gallery is meant to encourage LGBT folks and their allies to talk about the issues that affect LGBT Americans, rather than bottle them up. Anyone wishing to follow P!nk's lead and participate in this photo project can go to hrcsnapshot.org and download their own "Talk about it sign," which they can then pose with and submit the resulting photo for inclusion in the gallery. But please, kiddies -- let's leave our p!nk parts out of the photos; it's a family gallery!

Talk About it. [HRC]

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