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That's 'Mr. No Way In Hell' to you, thank you very much

by Jeremy Hooper

So what happens when you try and vote "NO" in an American Family Association "poll," but they refuse to accept your "NO" answer and instead count your response as if you answered in the affirmative, thus upping the number they can later cite as having voted "YES" to the gay-unfriendly question they were asking? Well, they start sending you supporter emails, which they address to a very bizarre name:
But whatever -- it would seem to us that exposing their underhanded tactics will, in the long run, do more to sway public opinion than our one "NO" vote could've ever done.

But AFA, in the future: My first name's not "No," it's Jeremy. Mr. Hooper if you're nasty.

**Backstory on why and how we voted in the AFA "poll" that led to this email: AFA apparently also boycotting definition of 'poll' [G-A-Y]

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