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'Americans for Stifling Your Reality'
On a recent gay-centric program, talk show guru Oprah Winfrey made the following comment:
“I just would say to anybody, whatever secret you’re holding, live your own truth”...“Life is really short.”
A quote to which the self-appointed Americans For Truth reply:
"Your own truth? If everyone adopts their “own truth,” then there is no truth.
Our answer is: live according to God’s revealed Truth (the Bible); people ignore that at their own peril. Yes, life may be short, but Eternity will be really, really long."
But wait a second -- If everyone adopts their “own truth,” then there is no truth?! Hogwash! If everyone follows their own reality, then there is exactly that -- REALITY! While we understand that some folks' personal faiths and convictions lead them to consider others' (i.e. gays) truths to be less "truthy" than their (i.e. Evangelicals) own, it doesn't change the actuality of the situation. AFT is using their own interpretation of selected Biblical text to condemn millions of people whose sexual orientations exist without any outside pressure or analysis. Oprah is culling what she knows about life from the actual evidence that exists around her, which we'd imagine she then reasons with her own personal faith or spirituality.
That being said, we do all have to keep seeking the truth, as none of us have all the answers. The biggest problem and fear we have in dealing with our gay rights opposition is in their staunch refusal to allow for outside thought. AFT asserts that "people ignore [the Bible] at their own peril," but they themselves ignore personal testimony, science, and evidence at...well, also OUR own peril. The truth is that there is not one universal truth when it comes to theology. Whereas they feel righteous enough to basically condemn folks to burn for all of Eternity, other religious folks would condemn them for boldly casting such a brazen stone! But, of course, it's THEIR cherry picked interpretation of the truth that is irrefutably right, so we all must misconstrue our own realities in order to fit into their perfect vision. It's enraging!
This writer has his own faith. His own connection with the world. His own spirituality. It is is pure, sincere, and personal.
He also has his own core being. His own mind. His own sexual orientation. It's been present for all of his days, and it is unapologetically TRUE!
Oprah Celebrates Homosexuality, Again, as Audience Applauds [AFT]
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