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Boone says gays have 'raped' his movement; a-hole cop asks movement what it was doing out after dark in a halter top
The good folks at the People For the American Way have some footage from last night's "Liberty Sunday" event that is, well, in a word: disgusto-wretch-a-nastatory. That's because it is video of Bishop Wellington Boone once again calling gay rights a "rape of the civil rights movement," and trying to use his own community's collective struggle for freedom and equality to negate the gay community's fight. Boone says:
BOONE: I take that very serious [sic] with blacks, as John Wesley says, being stolen out of Africa, having to go through the Middle Passage, as many as ten million to some say...50 million having been lost, going through slavery for several hundred years, having to go through a war being fought because of it, going through the 1877 compromise, being thrown back into Jim Crow, segregation, and a voting right as late as 1965. Now if you tell me your issue is the same as that issue, I'll say 'you better get a clue! Get out of here, you not getting over here! You ain't getting on that. You're not, you're not getting on that!'"
AUDIENCE: [thunderous applause]
But guess what, Mr. Boone? We wouldn't tell you "our issue is the same as that issue," because it's not. All civil rights battles have their own historical black marks and offenses that a certain group must overcome. But what do our issues have in common? Well, the same folks who are cheering you own in your quest to keep us "lesser than" are the same sects of the population that so vehemently protested your own equality, using the same sorts of arguments that are being used to keep us down today! And, of course, when any group is being persecuted or denied something, there are certainly going to be folks who invoke the idea of African-Americans, Jews, women, the Trix rabbit, or any person or group that's been infamously denied freedom on the basis of their beings! Nobody is "raping" your history, as you so aggressively put it! If we make connections to your struggle it's only because they are real and present!
In addition to his "rape" claims, Boone then goes on to criticizee Condoleeza Rice for recently referring to the mother of newly sworn-in Global AIDS Coordinator Mark Dybul's partner as Dybul's "mother-in law." Boone says, in part, of the acknowledgment:
"...and then the comments that were made by the Secretary of State related to the partner of the person that was sworn in - their mother-in-law. What do you mean their mother-in-law? They're not married! That's not a family!"
We hear that we'll learn what, exactly, we gays have done to the "in-laws movement," just as soon as Mr. Boone can come up with a verb aggressively violent enough to keep gay demonization alive and well.
Massacre? Defile? Pillage? Eh, you'll figure out, Booney.
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