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Hey AFA: You guys sleep at night how?

by Jeremy Hooper

In an email decrying the Jersey marriage ruling and the push for marriage equality in general, the folks at the American Family Association today say the following in an emailed "Action Alert":

Picture 7-19

So where are they getting that we, the organized gay rights movement, are pushing for these other types of relationships to be recognized by the government? Are they working off statements made by Lambda Legal, HRC, National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce, GLAAD, GLSEN, PFLAG, the ACLU, Freedom to Marry, or any of the national groups are fighting day in and day out to achieve marriage equality? Are they reacting to statements our political allies have made in regards to same-sex marriage? Are they accurately quoting the majority of gay rights advocates' goals?

Well in a word: No. The AFA is pulling these claims from the "Beyond Same-Sex Marriage" statement that was released by "a diverse group of nearly twenty LGBT and queer activists - some organizers, some scholars and educators, some funders, some writers and cultural workers" who met to discuss the current course of the marriage debate. As we've pointed out in length, this statement did not have the backing of any major LGBT organization! In fact, when we contacted one of the people behind the statement, he told us it was merely intended "to start a conversation in the gay community about how and why we fight for marriage equality AND other forms of legal recognition and benefits for all our families and households." He was also careful to point out that "Beyond Marriage" was not a new organization, but rather just a group of activists trying to put some new conversation out into the ether. It surely represents some people's thoughts and raises many points with which all of us on the pro-gay side surely agree; however, it is not a mission statement! Of course leave it to "pro-family" groups like the AFA to once again misrepresent at their convenience!

It is appalling that these guys who are supposed to be so moral and righteous have absolutely no scruples about twisting our intent and true arguments so that they play right into their gay-demonizing hands! As we pointed out in our last entry on this "Beyond Marriage" statement, the anti-gay groups know exactly what they are doing when they present their flawed logic. These kids spend the better part of their days analyzing every nuance of the gay rights movement. They KNOW that the information they presented in this "Action Alert" is not the argument coming from gay rights advocates! But more than that, they know that the majority of their followers will not delve deeper into the issue, and will instead just accept at face value whatever lines the AFA is feeing them! It is truly disturbing and dangerous intellectual dishonesty!

Then the AFA parlays their flawed attack on gay rights strategy into an even more flawed attack on the Democratic party, by trying to make it look as if the DNC is firmly in bed with the false gay rights agenda that they've previously outlined! This is, of course, so they can lump Democrats/ gays/ polygamist/ anti-families/ marriage destroyers/ everyone who does not support their theological outlook into the same "corrupt" caboose. They are playing dirty political games with our lives, and they seem to have no qualms about employing bald-faced deceit in order to look like the Moral Monopoly champions. Just thinking about it makes this writer's soul scream "Ouch!"

Though, of course, if you have no honest, rational legs to stand on, you have little choice but to lie.

Democrats Go On Record In Support Of Homosexual Marriage [AFA Action Alert]

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