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'Hooked on inclusive phonics' didn't work for Ms. Wilson

by Jeremy Hooper

 Profilesinschoolchoice Albertawilson SmOf an "elementary-level phonics-card" that is allegedly being used by teachers in the Philadelphia school district, Alberta Wilson of Faith First Educational Assistance Corporation (pic.) tells Family News in Focus:

They’re teaching three syllable words – the word fam-i-ly. And on those phonics cards they have a mom and a dad, an elderly grandparent and grandfather raising children, and then they have two men and two women. They are teaching our young children that this is acceptable and that they should tolerate it. It is an outrage, it’s against God, and God is not pleased.

A statement that TOTALLY explains why we recently saw this phonics card lying on the ground outside of a Philly elementary school:


So far God hasn't returned our calls seeking comment on the level of pleasure He does or does not derive from the inclusion of gay families in phonetic tutorials. Though even if he does respond, we fear our font would never be bold enough to convey a direct message from the man upstairs.

Philly Schools Celebrate Gay History Month [FNIF]

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