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'The Far Right Side'

by Jeremy Hooper

What did our community ever do to NY Post cartoonist Sean Delonas? We ask, because after seeing his gay stereotype-laden cartoon in the wake of the Foley scandal and then seeing this UBER-offensive cartoon today...


...it would seem that Mr. Delonas has some sort of deep-seeded desire to make us look like freaks. How else can you explain that the thought process behind one's putting pen to paper and sketching out the idea that gay marriage and bestiality have some sort of a correlation? It's not as if he put the above scenario in a far-right politician's thought bubble or used any other sort of device to convey absurdity -- he simply propagated the idea that our legalize unions will lead to every sort of arrangement under the sun!


But if there is a silver lining to this vile fart cloud: At least he had the sense to put the groom-to-be in the "marriage licenses" line, rather than some sort of alternate "civil unions" line. After all, if he's going to crudely imply that gay marriage is going to destroy anything, it might as well be full marriage rights!

Gay-Hating 'Post' Cartoonist Taking Baby Steps [NY Post]

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