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Unfair and imbalanced: Phelps calls Fox News Satanic

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 7-14Calling them a "goosey gaggle of Satanic media mafia," Westboro Baptist's Fred Phelps is now going after Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes, Bill O' Reilly, Julie Banderas, and Fox News in general. He says in a new video piece:

"Beware of Fox TV, anti-Christic cabal, Satanic media mafia. A cabal is a small group of people united in some plot or scheme, usually to promote some evil, clandestine intrigue. Satan has a cabal, masquerading as Fox TV, cable news."

Geez, Frederick! We're also CNN fans around these parts, but not because we think Fox news to be Beelzebubian. It's just because we find them to be the biased pipe organ of one political party. But anti-Christic -- thats just harsh!

Be sure to keep an eye out for Phelps' future basic cable-based diatribes, in which we hear he'll go after the Sci Fi channel for claiming to feature paranormal, out there programming, yet neglecting to give him and his family their own show.

**Video can be found at Westboro's site, and if someone wants to take the time to put it on YouTube, then we'll link it. However, we have neither the motivation to do such legwork, nor the desire to link to their nutty handiwork directly.

**Update: Some insight into why the Phelps crew may be upset with the "F word" net:

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