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What, did a 'golden shower' not translate in black and white?

by Jeremy Hooper

As brought to our attention by Gawker, a political cartoon featured in today's NY Post is a bit homophobic:

 Assets Resources 2006 10 10052006

Says Gawker of the multiple gay stereotype-laden sendup:

We're not sure which hand-drawn gay stereotype is our favorite: there are so many to choose from! Village People reference? Check! Umbrella drink? Check! Limp wrists? Check! AIDS ribbon? Check! Light loafers? You'd better believe it! He even gets a hamster in there (note the cage behind McGreevey)! Still, even with this cornucopia of homophobia, we're going to have to give the nod to what's going on in the bedroom, where a teddy bear holds what appears to be a big black dildo.

And while they got most of them, we can't believe Gawker overlooked the most obvious offense: The electrical outlets consists of two open holes with no slits in them...

Picture 8-13

...a clear reference to the common anti-gay claim that gays are fond of removing the protective covering and sticking their c**ks in the open socket. Clearly.

No word on how Sean Delonas will follow-up today's work of art. However, we do hear he's learning how to draw an XXL butt plug, even as we speak

'Post' Draftsman The Picasso Of Prejudice [Gawker]
Delonas for Thursday, October 5, 2006 [NY Post]

**UPDATE: Gawker has an email response from Mr. Delonas

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