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'WorldNet' raises trans threat to 'lovely shade of lavender'

by Jeremy Hooper

How conserva-news source WorldNetDaily begins an article on the NYC Metropolitan Transit Authority's decision to allow people to use the public restroom that matches their gender identity/expression:


Geez, what's your fear, WorldNet? That they'll poop without flushing? Because seriously, if you're really so frightened of a transgender individual breaking the seal within the same government facility that you'll opt to "hold it until you get home," you might want to ask your therapist if, in your next session, you guys can analyze your childhood issues with Tootsie.

Not to mention, if you're even that cognizant of who else is doing their business in a Grand Central bathroom, then you really need to learn to mind your own. It's not the Empire State Building Observation Deck; it's a slightly unsavory waste disposal tomb in the recesses of a highly trafficked public building!

So calm ye self, WorldNet! After all, you may -- and please sit down for this one -- have already urinated within just a few mere feet of a transgender person at least once in your public facility-using lifetime. And you survived it. That's because transgender individuals are nothing to fear, kiddies! Just like you, they tear their toilet paper several squares at a time.

Be careful, ladies –it's his bathroom, too [WorldNet]

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