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One who wants to ban us extremely vs. one who wants to ban us moderately: Romney criticizes McCain's gay marriage views

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images  Good As You Images  Good As You Images  Good As You Images  Good As You Images  Wp-Content Photos 200Px Mitt Romney-1 Good As You Images  Good As You Images  Good As You Images  Shared Cms Images Newscenter 2005 02 MccainIn an interview with The Examiner, outgoing Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney said of the "against gay marriage but also against a federal marriage amendment" stance of his likely rival for the GOP presidential nomination, John McCain:

That’s his position, and in my opinion, it’s disingenuous,” he said. “Look, if somebody says they’re in favor of gay marriage, I respect that view. If someone says — like I do — that I oppose same–sex marriage, I respect that view. But those who try and pretend to have it both ways, I find it to be disingenuous.

Hmm...so we guess the "have it both ways" custom of "bisexual marriage" must be completely out of Mitt's realm of acceptance!

::sigh:: Where will your antipathy stop, Mitt?

Though we must admit we did feel a little badly when we first heard Mr. Romney "respects the views" of those who are in favor of gay marriage, as while we sometimes respect the achievements and character of those who stand in opposition to our marriage equality, we NEVER respect the views that keep us legally estranged from our partners. However, after snapping out of it and remembering that just last month, Mitt said of gay marriage in his state, "...activist judges struck a blow to the foundation of civilization - the family," we wised up to the fact that Mitt is merely a White House-seeking politician who'll say whatever the hell he thinks betters his chances. Because unless he meant that gay marriage strikes "a blow to the foundation of civilization -- the family" in some sort of RESPECTFUL alternate context of which we are not aware, it would seem that Mr. Romney's "respect for gay marriage proponents" lines are the truly disingenuous statements being made here.

But perhaps we shouldn't be too hard on Mitt. After all, isn't saying one thing while doing exactly not that sort of requirement numero uno for these GOP hopefuls?

Romney: ‘I’m a conservative Republican’ [Examiner]

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