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Okay, kiddies, so here's the deal: Daddy needs a break. So what better time to take that break than during the final days of one of the most important election cycles in recent memory? This scribe can think of no time more opportune than the present.
Fall foliage. Biking. Hiking. Seafood. Happy times.
G-A-Y will resume production Monday, 11/13. In the meantime, feel free to prowl around the archives, visit some of our advertisers, and keep the traffic somewhat going in the interim!
**UPDATE, 11/09: Greetings from the Vineyard! Just wanted to put out a quick note and thank everyone for the warm messages they've sent since the site's been on hiatus. They, coupled with the good vibes of the northern Atlantic and the good sense of the American voter (gay marriage bans notwithstanding), have restored the vigor of this left-leaning, happiness-loving scribe. G-A-Y will return with a restored gusto on Monday morning.
Now if you'll excuse me, this writer must go venture down to Chappaquiddick. Nothing bad has ever happened for a Dem there. Right?
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