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Video: 'Battle of the 9AM-10AM / 11AM-12PM ABC Network Stars'

by Jeremy Hooper

Rosie said on "The View" today:

Prompting Kelly Ripa to quite heatedly reply:

[insert your own obligatory, cliched "meow" sounds]

It remains to be seen if there will be any further acknowledgment from any of the involved parties. However, we do hear that upon learning of the incident, Babs Walters and Regis immediately sent both co-hosts to their respective rooms.

As for Clay -- perhaps maybe it would help matters like this if you'd take the hand off your own mouth and just acknowledge who you are? Let us know if homophobia is even something that could be directed towards you! You have the power to nip all discussion on who you're schtuppin' in the butt bud, if only you'd just say something. Just a suggestion.

Rosie on Ripa/Aiken hand covering [YouTube]
The View, Kelly Ripa responds [YouTube]

**UPDATE: A poster on the Datalounge has discovered some possible hypocrisy coming from Ms. Ripa's general direction:

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