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AK governor acts in not OK manner
Alaska's newly-elected governor, Sarah Palin (pic.), has reluctantly agreed to follow the state Supreme Court's order to provide same-sex partner benefits to state employees. However, on the very same day that she announced her compliance, she also took the unnecessary step of signing into law a bill that calls for a special election (to be held in April), in which the state's voters will be asked if the legislature should adopt a constitutional amendment banning such benefits. And if there is support for such a legislative endeavor, then the amendment could go to voters for final approval in 2008.
So basically, gay couples looking to take advantage of the court-mandated benefits, you're gonna get them for now. But don't get too comfortable, because your esteemed governor is trying to trump what she views as judicial activism with her own good ol' fashioned brand of conservative Republican values. You know, the kind of "family protection" that involves disallowing tax-paying citizens from paying higher premiums to obtain health coverage to protect the ones with whom they share every moment of their lives. The kind of values where it's not enough to merely ban gay couples from marriage (which AK already does by constitutional amendment), but where you must go one step further and also ban them from keeping their loved ones safe from the harms of the world. The kind of values that devalue any family outside of the "traditional norm." The kind of values that are just plain wrong!
So don't be fooled by the sweet, pretty exterior, Alaska gays. In just a few weeks time in office, Ms. Palin has already shown that we do not have a "Pal in" the chief seat.
Palin to comply on same-sex ruling [Anchorage Daily News]
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