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Apparently folks got suspicisious after he started looking a little Haggard

by Jeremy Hooper

Co-Flag-1Yet another Colorado pastor who speaks out against gays has resigned after admitting that he's had sexual relations with men. This time it was the Rev. Paul Barnes, who resigned his position at Grace Chapel yesterday morning.

Sheesh! It must be in the Holy Water up there!

Barnes said in a taped message to his congregation that he has struggled with his sexuality since he was a little boy and that he has routinely begged God to take his homosexual thoughts away. Meanwhile, as the tape was being played, countless other Evangelical congregations across the state fostered the exact sort of environment that'll make countless other young boys think they too are broken and should live a secret life.

Pastor resigns over homosexuality [Denver Post]

**See also: OMG Blog on Barnes' virtual non-existence.

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