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Hey, Ms. D: Public opinion actually includes the WHOLE public!
Elaine Donnelly (pic.), who has sort of made a career in recent years as the goto person for defending anti-gay military policy, says to Agape Press about the possibility that a Democrat-led Congress will repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell":
"I don't think even the Democratic establishment would try to do that," ..."There's been some legislation in the hopper for a number of years; it has some sponsors. It's not going anywhere."
"I don't think that this Congress, as shifted to the left as it is now, would attempt to do that," ..."If they did, the American public would be appalled ...."
Which, of course, means Ms. Donnelly must've missed this 2006 Pew Center poll showing that Americans support allowing gays to serve in the military by a 60% majority. And clearly she didn't factor in this 2005 Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military poll, in which seventy-six percent of potential military recruits said that lifting the ban on openly gay service members would have "no effect" on their decision to enlist. Also, she must have overlooked this 2005 Boston Globe poll wherein 79% of respondents said gays should be allowed to serve openly in the military. And we know she glossed over this 2003 CNN/USA Today/ Gallup poll showing that 91% of people aged 18-29, 85% of all women, and 73% of all men were supportive of allowing gays to serve openly. And she must have even missed this 2003 FOX NEWS(!!) poll showing that 64% of Americans now favor allowing gays to serve openly in the military. Because had Ms. Donnelly consulted the public opinion research that is actually out there, she would've surely realized that the American public doesn't seem like it "would be appalled" by a repeal of DADT, but rather would largely APPLAUD such a decision!
But hey -- who needs data when you have pulled-out-of-your-bum theories that are convenient to your queer-unfriendly cause?
Congress Has Power to Bar Homosexuals from Military, Says Observer -- Not the Courts [Agape]
*RELATED: Navy Times Editorial Blasts "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy As "Failed"... [HuffPo]
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