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In which Sean Delonas offends just one homo specifically

by Jeremy Hooper

From today's NY Post, this cartoon of the whole "Danny Devito drunk on 'The View'" incident:


And who is the artist of this "Rosie the Hutt"-like depiction? Well, none other than the perennially "gay-friendly" Post cartoonist Sean Delonas. And while we realize making fun of Rosie O'Donnell's size is an easy joke that pre-dates her own coming out as a lesbian, when such an unwarranted, excessive, cruel representation comes from the pen of "Mr. Gay Marriage Will Lead To Sheep-F**ing," it's hard to not think that his personal opinions of Ms. O'Donnell may have added a few inches to her caricature's girth.

Either way -- it's an unwarranted shot at a woman who ISN'T EVEN THE SUBJECT OF THE CONTROVERSY! You must be super proud of yourself, Mr. D!

Delonas for Friday, December 1, 2006 [NY Post]
(Hat Tip: Queerty)

**UPDATE, 1/18/07: Gawker has highlighted another of Delonas' mean-spirited Rosie depictions

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