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LaBarbera to Obama: Close your mind and thank God you're a hetero

by Jeremy Hooper

6725609-MIn his recently released memoir, The Audacity of Hope, newly-anointend Dem superstar Barack Obama says of the possibility that he may someday fully support gay marriage:

"I was reminded that it is my obligation not only as an elected official in a pluralistic society, but also as a Christian, to remain open to the possibility that my unwillingness to support gay marriage is misguided."

PeterlabarberaAnd in response to Obama's words, longtime anti-gay stalwart Peter LaBarbera replies:

"There's no need to consider the idea that so-called 'gay marriage' is okay"..."We know that marriage is between a man or a woman; that's what God made it to be. It's wonderful, it's beautiful. Homosexuality is not an option."

So listen up, millions of gay couples that realistically, tangibly exist throughout the world -- homosexuality is simply not an option! No, no, no -- don't protest and say, "But wait a second -- like or not, it's clearly 'an option,' as scores of consenting adults truly want to marry their same-sex partners." Because you see, Mr. LaBarbera doesn't need the sort of truth that comes from actual reality or concrete evidence. He has his own limited interpretation of God's word to guide his views, end of story. So sorry if you're actuality doesn't fit those narrow views -well, perhaps you'll have the chance to be equal in your next life.


Mr. Obama: If you need proof that your unwillingness to support gay marriage is indeed misguided, then just look to those who so staunchly oppose the concept. After all, those who mistakenly identify themselves as "pro-family" have turned faulty judgement and misrepresentation into an art form!

Obama a Player in Left's Redefining of Christianity, Says Illinois Activist [Agape Press]

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