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Okay, now it's just getting ridiculous
Is the NY Post's Sean Delonas like the adult cartoonist embodiment of that dude in high school who thought that two guys doing it was the be all and end all of American comedy? Because seriously, resorting to homophobic and borderline homophobic imagery seems to be his most marketable skill:
Sean, we get it -- you wanted to convey that Baker and Chirac are in bed together. But after your "gay marriage = sheep f***ing" piece and "Foley/McGreevey/some sort of bear in bed" 'toon (and even the grossly exaggerated "Rosie the Hutt" one), we can't help but assume that Uncle Sam's strong condemnation is far stronger than it would be in a heterosexual, France-linking situation.
Perhaps this one is just debatably gay-unfriendly and we're being sensitive. But the collective empirical evidence (which Gawker has done a great job at tracking) leads us to believe our gut reaction is not without merit.
Delonas for Friday, December 8, 2006 [NY Post]
(Hat tip: Gawker)
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