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Pope wishes you a Mary/Mary-free Christmas
In a Christmas address that he gave to the Rome clergy, Pope Benedict is quoted by Reuters as saying of those who think same-sex couples should be respected in the same manner as a husband and wife:
"This tacitly accredits those dismal theories that strip all relevance from the masculinity and femininity of the human being as though it were a purely biological issue," the Pope said.
Theories "according to which man should be able to decide autonomously what he is and what he isn't," end up with mankind destroying its own identity, he said.
Ooh, a papal condemnation -- just I always wanted! It's the gift that keeps on giving...us ulcers.
But if you think the above comments are bad, you should have heard his alternate lyrics to the "12 Days of Christmas":
Twelve drummers sinning,
Eleven pipers sinning,
Ten lords a-sinning,
Nine ladies sinning,
Eight maids a-sinning,
Seven swans a-sinning,
Six geese a-sinning,
Five golden rings (that are sinful),
Four sinning birds,
Three French sinners,
Too much sin,
And a sinner in a den of sin!
Pope slams "dismal" theories on gay marriage rights [Reuters]
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