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So basically you can enter the "tent" if you're gay-friendly, you'll just be in the part with the leaky roof
Senator Sam Brownback, a staunch gay rights opponent if ever there was one, reportedly said yesterday that the "big-tent" GOP has room for candidates who support gay rights, but that they'll have a tough time gaining support from the party's social and religious conservative base.
Also, GOP gays and allies: This guy...
...won't give you free rides, so please stop asking!
Damn stubborn elephant.
Of those in the GOP who hold different viewpoints (i.e. favor gay rights), Brownback is quoted as saying:
"If somebody agrees with you 80 percent of the time, he’s not your enemy.”
He was then heard to say that if somebody agree with you only .001% of the time, then they write Good As You.
Brownback: GOP has room for gay rights backers [AP via LJWorld.com]
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