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Start schmearin' the news: Jewish leaders lessen gay ban
Well, Conservative Judaism will start ordaining gay rabbis...kind of, sort of, maybe. From the AP:
The Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, which interprets religious law for the movement, adopted three starkly conflicting policies that nonetheless give gays the chance to serve as clergy.
One upholds the prohibition against gay rabbis. Another permits gay ordination while continuing to ban male sodomy. The third upholds the ban on gay sexual relationships in Jewish law and mentions the option for gays to undergo therapy aimed at changing their sexual orientation.
That leaves seminaries and synagogues to decide on their own which approach to follow.
Hmm...call us goyishe, but none of those sound all that fantastic to us. But we guess any maneuver that works to dull a previously staunch gay ban is a step in the right direction.
So thanks for taking a semi-progressive step, Conservative Judaism. However, here's hoping that someday you kids will take a more joyous step by deciding that dancing in our same-sex wedding's horah couldn't hoit anybody.
Conservative scholars ease gay rabbi ban [AP via KFVS]
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