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Team Corzine to analyze the 'unions' bill; our own analysis has already deemed it 'not quite good enough'
Gov. Corzine is expected to sign New Jersey's recently passed civil unions bill later this week, but only after his lawyers have a chance to consider whether or not the law would allow Jersey mayors to individually refuse to perform the unions. This because certain mayors, such as Bogota's Steve Lonegan, have announced that they won't perform same-sex unions when they become legal, nobody can make them, and they're gonna take their toys and go home!
However, most whose opinions we trust think such a refusal would go against non-discrimination laws, so if it's found that the law does allow for the mayors to say "Hell no, 'mo!," then there's a chance Corzine could send the measure back to the legislature for a revision. Here's hoping that if and when that happens, the revision will include the lawmakers tearing up the dissimilar measure and replacing it with one that would do the infallibly right thing -- legalize marriage!
After all, they're gonna give us marriage sooner or later anyway. So why wait the time it'll take for folks like Mr. Lonegan to demonstrate why, exactly, civil unions are not adequate when we could just cut the bullsh*t now?
Corzine may sign civil unions law Thursday [AP via Home New Tribune]
Technorati Tags: gay marriage, New Jersey
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