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Watching Jersey almost get it right: Assembly passes 'unions' bill

by Jeremy Hooper

Jerseyequal 1By a vote of 59-16, the full New Jersey Assembly has approved a bill granting civil unions (as opposed to a full marriage equality) to same-sex couples.

However, we imagine many of the 59 in the majority had to be told that the dissenters didn't get enough votes for a tie, as clearly they don't understand what parity with a minority group actually looks like.

Senate vote forthcoming; stay tuned. Or don't. Whatever.

New Jersey Approves Civil Unions Bill [AP via WCBS]

***By a vote of 23-12, the Senate has approved the measure as well. Now it just needs Gov. Corzine's signature in order to become law.

Oh, and also, it just needs the passage of time for it to become viewed as unnecessarily dissimilar as it truly is.

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