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Knight on Ellen on Washington: He did, in fact, slur his words

by Jeremy Hooper

FwordAdding more fuel to the "Grey's Anatomy" Isaiah Washington/ T.R Knight/ "f*ggot" feud, the openly gay Knight revealed on today's episode of "The Ellen Degeneres Show" that Washington did, in fact, call him the "f word" during an October on-set brawl:

This pronouncement comes despite the overcompensating denials that Washington made at Monday night's Golden Globes, where, in addition to voicing his undying love for gays, he boldly declared that he "didn't call T.R. a f*ggot" (which prompted co-star Katherine Heigl to subsequently launch into a TIRADE against him!)

::sigh:: As if Meredith didn't have enough worries.

Meanwhile, the cast of "ER" wants you to know that they are controversy-free, still quite capable of entertaining a medical drama-hungry America, and ready to forgive those who abandoned their long-running show for newer, younger, hipper soundtrack-laden pastures.

Knight: Isaiah Forced Me Out with "Faggot" Slur [TMZ]

***UPDATE: GLAAD seeks apology from Isaiah Washington; George Washington's posthumous 'sorry' remains unsolicited (with further updates, including Washington's apology) [G-AY]

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Your thoughts

I know that the context is slightly different, and there was a film to prove it, but by saying the N-word Michael Richards has had many problems regaining credibility and minimal respect. Isaiah Washington claims that he could never be that "vile" to use the F-word, yet in most media publications the N word is never printed but faggot commonly is (re:AccessHollywood.com). There is no social stigma about the F-word, only the N word. I think Isaiah didn't think it was that big of deal to throw the word around - I mean as a black man he couldn't possible have equated the hateful and negative terms, right? And then to insult TR Knight by denying having said it, and saying "I love gay" and "I wanted to be gay" -- there's another lie. Nobody wanted to be gay, though many like myself are thankful and proud. When will people get it? Being Gay is not a choice. Just like being bald, short, or black. People just are what they are and calling people rude names because of it shows how scummy the name caller really is.

Posted by: Tom | Jan 17, 2007 7:03:27 PM

I'm amazed that the public is so blind and cannot see through all of this hoopla to realize that...

Isaiah washington is himself gay.

Posted by: ellerox | Jan 29, 2007 3:50:27 PM

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