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LaBarbera: Gays drive on Information Superhighway to get off at Immoralityville

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images  Good As You Images  Good As You Images  Good As You Images  Good As You Images  Good As You Images Picture-8-4-2-2-1Weighing in on the news that gays and lesbians tend to use the Internet -- and more specifically, social networking sites like Myspace and Friendster -- more frequently than heterosexuals, Peter LaBarbera offensively says:

"...it's a big part of their illicit life," ..."That's what the Internet has enabled. The Internet is ideally suited to help uniting people practicing deviance."


"... It's really the same old thing with technology," ... "It has its good uses, but it also makes it easier for people practicing immoral behavior to organize."

To which we respond:

"Oh, you mean the 'deviant behavior' of dedicating your life to condemning anyone who so much as farts in a gay-friendly manner? Because you, Peter, have certainly...

Picture 4-44

...organized those troops! And in fact, Peter, it is your diligence in the gay-demonizing Internet sector that contributes to the sort of culture where gays feel so stigmatized and marginalized that they feel far safer and accepted in virtual realms. So we think it's a little bit unhinged for you to spin heightened gay usage of social networking sites as some sort of vile, immoral, illicit practice. After all, it is your own usage of the Internet to paint gays and lesbians' actual social networking as wretched that makes the community spirit found on the Internet all the more appealing,

But like you said, Peter -- the Internet does have "its good uses," too. For example, it allows us to detail and debunk your every fallacy, so that when one
Googles you, "Americans for Truth," or any of the myriad of "pro-family" groups that are working to keep discrimination alive and well, they'll be greeted not only with your message of anti-LGBT demonization, but also a message of reason to counter your enmity."

Be sure to look for LaBarbera's future condemnations of gay techno-savviness, wherein we hear he'll chastise the way iPods allow for far-too-easy access to Minelli and Streisand.

Such a technophobe, he.

Survey: More social networking for 'alternative lifestyles' [One News Now]

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