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When it comes to 'ex-gay' debunking, Besen doesn't f*** around

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images  Images 978Wayne Besen (pic) and his Truth Win Out organization have filed a complaint against Peter LaBarbera and his American For Truth organization for continuing to sell a video titled "It's Not Gay" on AFT's website, yet neglecting to tell potential buyers that one of the vid's featured players, Michael Johnston, seems to have failed in his own quest to become "ex-gay." Wayne is asking the Illinois Atorney General to "expeditiously pull this fraudulent video from the marketplace, require a written apology from LaBarbera and that refunds be offered to dissatisfied consumers."

A bulldog, he.

Not to be outdone, we plan to today file our own complaint with the Dept. of Fallacious Direct Objects, wherein we'll accuse AFT of using one that conveys factual honesty, even though that notion seems as foreign to them as the concept of a separated church & state.

We'll have to wait and see if either department responds to either complaint. Though considering ours is made up and ridiculous, our money is on Wayne's.

Complaint Filed With Illinois Attorney General [TWO]
**Portions of the dangerously duplicitous "It's Not Gay" video:

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Your thoughts

Don't mess with Wayne!

I hope this helps somehow to put a nail in the coffin of that organization.

Now...If only we can get Keith Olbermann to do a special comment on it, we will be in good shape. ;-)

Posted by: Gary | Jan 18, 2007 5:08:22 PM

Thank you for providing the link to the video. You may have unwittingly helped to led untold numbers of people trapped in the homosexual lifestyle to freedom. God bless you...

Posted by: | Jan 19, 2007 9:37:34 AM

Well hey there, 9:37:34 (aka, Concerned Women For America staffer)! Next time let us know who you are so we can dialogue on this!!


Posted by: G-A-Y | Jan 19, 2007 9:52:29 AM

So, does the 9:37AM post from the CWFA staffer constitute proof that a) Concerned Women For America aren't the least bit concerned about the untruth behind this video, and b) that they would gladly continue to support this highly deceptive method of recruiting folks into their lifestyle (which does not seem to be concerned with truth)?

In non-related news...when did you get comments? Was I sent a memo?

Posted by: Dash | Jan 19, 2007 4:04:06 PM

The fact that they continue to stand by the video is astounding. Fortunately, Wayne is working on that one.

And comments were very quietly unveiled about two weeks ago. So far they're going well!

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jan 19, 2007 4:07:24 PM

This video's awesome!

I really like documentaries that are made by gays, starring gays, and made for gays.

Posted by: Alex Blase | Jan 20, 2007 12:57:16 AM


Posted by: Roland Pfister | Aug 23, 2007 7:03:31 PM

There is some truth in the video.

Posted by: Bob | Jan 23, 2009 7:48:16 PM

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