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Beefman, you didn't put enough 'steak' in our web abilities

by Jeremy Hooper

So we just got this comment (click to view larger):
Only problem with Mr. Peronace's denial? Well, check the IP from this one (made at 4:20PM) with the IP from the original (made at 12:22AM, click to view larger):

Please don't also be a liar, Mr. Peronance!!

EARLIER: 'BRAKING': Head of PA steak company now focusing on Me-bones [G-A-Y]

**UPDATE: We have swapped a few more emails, wherein he continues his denial and threatens to sue me/G-A-Y. A sample:

"If you keep a post that I did not make on your site, and talk badley about me, and my company, I will sue you for defamation of charecter"

Hmm...doo wwwee theenk itz him?

space gay-comment gay-G-A-Y-post gay-email gay-writer-jeremy-hooper

Your thoughts

"Er, uh, yeah, somebody must've snuck into my office and used my computer to post that. Not me, I would back it up..."

I especially like "please let the others know." You know, the other gays...

Posted by: werdna | Feb 2, 2007 4:54:29 PM

Now that's a big oops, isn't it.

Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Feb 2, 2007 5:01:14 PM

But, but, he put a little keyboard smiley face at the end of his email.....he must be a nice guy.

Posted by: Mary in Iowa | Feb 2, 2007 5:20:18 PM

Yes, and I guess it's someone else to used "the n word" in this web forum:


Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 2, 2007 5:23:34 PM

I see what you have posted here, and yes I have printed this out as well for my lawyer to read.
In doing some homework I have found that because the computers are all together here, the IP should be the same. We all use the same router, as it has been called. Even if that is not true and my source is wrong, then maybe the person used this same computer. The fact is, that if I did say something like you THINK I said, then yes, I would back it up. Instead I have said countless times that it just wasn't me, and it wasn't.

But this would be how you treat people? YOU are the one with the WEBSITE right? People have opinions, and if you don't like them you should shut your site down. What you have done, and how you have handled this is very, very childish. Doing things like posting my business website, and my email? That is how you handle someone who disagrees with you, or your life style?

You don't seem like the kind of person who should have a website, instead you come off as a person who is very angry with the way the world has treated him, so now is the chance to lash out.

GROW UP!! And if you don't like what some people are going to say about you, then you shouldn't have a blogg website. Learn to fight fair and not make it so personal because now your being sued!!

Posted by: Nick | Feb 2, 2007 5:31:17 PM


He's a Verizon DSL Customer in Philidelphia. So yes that's his Computer/Router address. He's kind of busted.

Posted by: Daimeon | Feb 2, 2007 5:41:47 PM

And your repeated misuse of "your" for "you're" has just provided further proof (as if it was needed) of your connection.

Your lawyers can email me directly at [email protected] for further contact info.

Have a nice weekend!!

Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 2, 2007 5:46:12 PM

Someone should stay away from contractions because he gives himself away so easily.

Posted by: Daimeon | Feb 2, 2007 5:47:30 PM

Beefman is busted, but I hope he still thinks he can sue you.

The lawsuit will require that his employer provide backup tapes of all of their servers.

Who knows what else they might find?

This is FLANtastic.

Posted by: Ho Ho Ho | Feb 2, 2007 5:50:32 PM

Umm... Nick... He didn't post your email address. YOU DID! You put your email address on here, and you used your work computer, and you are the one who is responsible. GROW UP! If you don't like what some people are going to say to you, then you shouldn't have an email account (or you should keep your email address private).

And oh, please, please, PLEASE sue him! We promise we will make you a VERY famous man!

Posted by: Demesne Lord | Feb 2, 2007 5:54:02 PM

i'm a philadelphian and will now make it a point to ask about where any beef i buy comes from.

Posted by: john | Feb 2, 2007 5:57:45 PM

If you really had a lawyer, he'd tell you that any further communication with the person you intend to sue should be through him. I call BS.

Posted by: Matt | Feb 2, 2007 6:07:48 PM

Folks, all I did was repost a comment that he had publicly made to my site (with his email address) and then responded to it. I genuinely welcome an attempt at a lawsuit.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 2, 2007 6:13:51 PM

He isn't gonna sue anybody. If he sues then the ISP records are made available as part of the evidential record, which means not only can they tell what IP address it came from, they can tell what computer it came from as well. He's just blustering.

Posted by: Ed Brayton | Feb 2, 2007 6:20:11 PM

Until his Lawyer actually contacts you directly he's just another interweb tough guy. Sad to see that hate and ignorance still rules some peoples minds.

Posted by: N4teTheGreat | Feb 2, 2007 6:21:14 PM

My favorite part? he keeps telling me he has "printed out" my emails and posts, as if the 8 x 11 piece of paper of our correspondence /my postings helps his case.

"Sorry plaintiff; we were going to believe you, but we just couldn't possibly think of a way to access public Internet information. If only you had brought a print out. ::bangs gavel:: Court rules in favor of the defendant!"

Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 2, 2007 6:25:44 PM

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. I mean, come on. Isn't the sobriquet "Beefman" pretty much the gayest ever?

Posted by: Da Nator | Feb 2, 2007 6:26:04 PM

P.S.: More random, obnoxious rants with similar misspellings from a "NICK PERONACE" at http://www.maxuk.net/stjohnswood/index.shtml

Posted by: Da Nator | Feb 2, 2007 6:42:01 PM

P.S.: More random, obnoxious rants with similar misspellings from a "NICK PERONACE" at http://www.maxuk.net/stjohnswood/index.shtml

Posted by: Da Nator | Feb 2, 2007 6:43:20 PM

I had something similar happen to me on my blog- a person left a nasty comment with their name/email address. He was easy to trace and I put a factually correct entry discussing him. He threatened to sue, yada, yada. These morons need to realize that the internet isn't really a place to be anonymous and faceless.

Posted by: homer | Feb 2, 2007 6:43:48 PM

This is getting to be quite interesting. I wonder if he'll dig himself even deeper into this grave.

I think this could lead to an in-depth look that the power gays have to demand respect simply through economic clout. It's never a good idea to ostracize the DINKs (dual-income, no kids).

Posted by: Tom | Feb 2, 2007 6:58:31 PM

Hopefully his lawyer actually USES the spellcheck on his computer.

Posted by: MikeinSanJose | Feb 2, 2007 7:00:25 PM

He could have gotten all this aggression out of his system by just cruising Manhunt. You know that, right?

Posted by: Joe | Feb 2, 2007 7:18:02 PM

Regardless of whether "Beefman" actually is "Beefman", the anti-English-language comments still came from the same IP, placing it at best from the same company and at worse from the same individual. Since "Beefman" is the head of the company, he is responsible for what his employees do with their work computers, which would make it difficult to successfully argue a lawsuit even if he personally didn't make the comment.

Posted by: Reed A. Cartwright | Feb 2, 2007 7:28:21 PM

There is no case and he will not sue. He's one of those dolts that throws around the phrase "tell my lawyer to sue you" at the drop of a hat. He has a lawyer as much as he has kids. In short, he is a nobody with nothing in his life except his copious free time (a.k.a. no life) to spread his self loathing and negativity across the interweb.

Posted by: amber m | Feb 2, 2007 7:41:24 PM

NYT v. Sullivan is your friend, Beefman.

Posted by: K | Feb 2, 2007 7:46:11 PM

Here's a little law student advice.

He can't sue you for defamation of character. Privacy tort laws dictate that one filing such a suit must prove malice. Since you have sufficient evidence to believe that Peronace and "Straight guy" are the same person, you can prove absence of malice and therefore absolve yourself.

But it would be fun going to court with this guy. Not sure that you could counter-sue for anything and win, but you could always claim terrorism or something and make this a sufficient shit show!

Posted by: A Roberts | Feb 2, 2007 7:50:35 PM

If he does attempt to sue, he will have to file many, many lawsuits because this story is taking off. I hope that someone contacts the tv news stations in Philadelphia. And I can't wait to hear what the Philadelphia Eagles have to say when their beef supplier (if he really does sell beef to them) has been calling black people the N word. I wouldn't want to be him when all those big footballers show up at his place...

Posted by: kevin | Feb 2, 2007 7:52:29 PM

Catching a troll by the tail! This is sweet. Awesome job!

Posted by: Princess Sparkle Pony | Feb 2, 2007 8:12:11 PM

This is so tasty, it has to be fattening. This "Nick" guy is out of control. Amber you're so right, he's a "nobody with nothing in his life". It's 2007. There's no privacy on the internet.

Posted by: Will | Feb 2, 2007 10:22:39 PM

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