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File this under 'you said it, we didn't'

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images  Good As You Images Hutch-2In response to the conversation-starting Washington initiative that would make procreation a marital requirement (since it seems that conservatives think it already is), the gay-unfriendly Rev. Ken Hutcherson tells Family News in Focus:

"They want to put it on the front burner about how 'narrow-minded' Christians are," he said. "If they can get this and get some Christians to back this up, then they can really make us look foolish."


Although Rev. Hutcherson would seem to trip over his own language when he uses the word "Christians" to refer to both those who oppose gay rights as well as those religious folks who will potentially support this endeavor. This is of course due to the fact that our "pro-family" opposition likes to paint the picture that gay activists are not protesting bias, but rather Christianity as a whole (thus the reason why Hutcherson asserts it's "Christians" whose ideas we wish to make look foolish, not just those Christians who condemn us). However, it's not people of any particular religion, creed, political affiliation, ideology, or even human beings AT ALL that we are protesting! We are protesting the idea of bias and the culture of non-acceptance that is emboldened by such gay-antipathetic views! That sort of demonizing, stigmatizing, mean-spirited inequality-promotion: You best believe we will work day and night to make it look as foolish as it truly is!

Washington Initiative Would Limit Marriage to Those Who Bear Children [CitizenLink]

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