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Judge gives biased book suit the boot

by Jeremy Hooper

Beautiful Kingking1Cover2Declaring that "...public schools are entitled to teach anything that is reasonably related to the goals of preparing students to become engaged and productive citizens in our democracy," federal judge Mark Wolf today dismissed a lawsuit wherein a pair of Massachusetts parents were claiming that their rights to teach morality were violated by the usage of gay-accepting children's books (King & King and Who's in a Family?) in public schools.

One small step for man; one giant leap for Heather and her two mommies!

The parents do have the ability to file their lawsuit again in state court, so we'll have to wait and see if they opt to keep their fight alive. Though a far more joyous option would see them choosing to neither refile the litigation nor revile a world where kids are taught to accept others.

Parent suit on gay marriage talk tossed [AP via Monerey Herald]

***The reliably silly kids at MassResistance have weighed in with their post-mortems on the ruling. While a case of "the Fridays" prevents us from going into a long-winded refutation of their fallacies, we would like to highlight one passage (highlighting our own):

"...[Judge] Wolf makes the odious statement that the Parkers' only options are (1) send their kids to a private school, (2) home-school their kids, or (3) elect a majority of people to the School Committee who agree with them. Can you imagine a federal judge in the Civil Rights era telling blacks the same thing -- that if they can't be served at a lunch counter they should just start their own restaurant, or elect a city council to pass laws that obey the US Constitution?"

Well, no we can't. But then again, we also can't imagine on what plane of reality one could possibly see a connection between parents protesting their children being taught to accept gay people and the struggle of African-Americans to achieve equality! But then again, facts and rational thought are not really the product the MassResistance kids like to traffic!

We're sure they'll have much more to say on their weekend radio show, so we'll delve further on Monday!

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